Why your business needs a marketing strategy and the benefits of the different elements of marketing

Marketing goes well beyond the usual billboards, TV ads, or flyers – it’s a critical strategy businesses use to let everyone know that something is available that could potentially change their life for the better. It’s also a way to communicate the value proposition of their product or service to the target audience. In today’s […]
What is technical optimisation SEO?

Technical optimisation SEO is a way of improving your SEO but is not related to content. It improves the website’s technical aspects which increases the ranking of its pages in the search engines. By optimising technical aspects, the website can be crawled much quicker and can be easily understood. Why is technical optimization important? Essentially […]
What is keyword research?

Keyword research is an essential part of SEO, it is the process used for finding, analysing and selecting an extensive list of keywords. Creating a list that is relevant to target and for your website to rank for as relevant search terms that potential customers search for. The process of finding what key terms your […]
SEO Tips for Beginners

When it comes to optimising your site for SEO it can be a minefield. There are so many different ways that you can go and there are also many companies that are offering SEO services at all different price points. However, there are several SEO tips for beginners that you can do for yourself that […]
2019’s SEO Trends to Watch

When it comes to getting your website ranked in then it is important to keep abreast of how Google updates it’s ranking. Google are constantly improving their algorithm and this year is all about mobile and speed. So here are the things you should keep an eye open for. Mobile First Google has […]
Daily SEO Tips

So, we’ve talked about SEO in a lot of different ways by now. You’re probably pretty aware of how optimising your website works, and the things you need to do. So we won’t rehash old ground too much here. No, we’ve got a different idea of what to talk about today. We thought we’d explore […]
SEO – The Fundamentals That You Need to Learn

When it comes to SEO for a website, there are a few different things that you’re going to want to try and get your head around. These can all be so important and yet they form the fundamental core of what SEO is. We look at these as being fundamentals of SEO. When you’re new […]
General SEO Tips and Tricks

SEO is a lot of fun. Even when you’re trying to get the absolute most from your website, it just sort of looms in the background and can be pretty scary for a lot of people. However, this does not have to be the case.
SEO – It’s Importance to Your Business

SEO – It’s Importance to Your Business When you’re an organisation that deals with a lot of customers daily, or even an SME that wants to grow and develop, there’s no doubt that you’re going to want to make sure that you focus on SEO. It’s a pretty crucial part of any business, and you’ve […]
Images for SEO – How to Pick the Best

SEO isn’t complete with words alone anymore. When you’re trying to engage with an audience in the best way and develop your search results, you’re going to want to make sure that you are picking the best possible images for your SEO as well.