

10 SEO Tips You Can Implement Today

The effective utilisation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a vital tool for businesses far and wide when it comes to growing visibility, which is often implemented with the aid of a digital marketing agency.

The effective utilisation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a vital tool for businesses far and wide when it comes to growing visibility, which is often implemented with the aid of a digital marketing agency. The ultimate aim of any SEO technique, whether it be the usage of key words and/or phrases or otherwise, is to organically increase the ranking of your website on any particular search engine. In fact various studies have been conducted upon Google’s positioning value, which have found that the traffic share of the first position is approximately 33%, whilst the second position garners 15% of the share and the third position acquiring 9% of the share; a point to be noted here is that 75 % of clicks go to the first page of the search results. Therefore, as a flourishing business you require certain SEO tips and techniques to set yourself apart from the competition, such as the ones mentioned below;

  1. Try to include keywords within your title tags in order to not only gain a higher ranking on the search engine but also to grab the attention of the user (e.g. the term ‘buy online’ for an e-commerce website),
  2. In order to drive up the organic search results, utilize long-tail keywords for your website’s SEO,
  3. Engaging content comes second to none when mapping out your SEO strategy; developing a weekly or bi-weekly blog post can aid your website to maintain the same,
  4. Content generated by users of your website (including reviews and ratings) can provide means to improve your website’s SEO ranking. In addition to this, reportedly ratings are likely to increase the click-through rate (CTR) by 10-20%,
  5. Make sure to keep meta descriptions under 150 characters, in order to ensure that it describes the page clearly, with each page’s meta description being distinct,
  6. Video based content can be used to your advantage in order to generate the user’s willingness to stay on your website (increasing the time spent on your website can potentially lead to a greater probability of conversion),
  7. Keep a shorter, keyword filled URL including target keywords along with limiting underscores (shorter URLs are more likely to rank higher on Google Search Engine Result Page/s),   
  8. Ensuring the speed of your website is as per user demand is a must since ‘slow loading’ websites tend to incur a higher bounce rate, which may affect the SEO factors indirectly,
  9. Remarketing is a useful technique to capitalize upon your SEO, building upon further visits by users, along with more engagement and more conversions for your website,           
  10. Optimize your website to be mobile friendly since the usage of mobile devices for work or otherwise is widespread with the current user base.

To gain further understanding on the above mentioned SEO tips, you can consult an SEO agency which can clarify any queries you may have with regard to implementation, such as NXT WEB with our experience and commitment coming second to none in the field of digital marketing agencies.

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