Social media is such a dynamic field, it is forever changing and morphing meaning it can be difficult to keep up. Growing your social media page is essential in this day and age but it requires grabbing the attention of the right people at the right time. How can you ensure this will happen? Here are some fundamental ways to establish your brand on social media.
Optimise Your Social Media Account
Having an optimised social media page means that you are more likely to be found and when you are found, your brand and what you do is clear and attracts those who are interested.

Here are a few ways you can optimise your account:
- Make sure your bio is clear – identify your goals and make it clear and concise
- Link your webpage and other social media accounts – having external links will generate leads for your website and add followers to your other social media accounts
- Ensure your username is search friendly – make sure it is simple and try to avoid using numbers and special characters if you can and keep it as close to your brand name as possible
- Fill out everything there is on your profile – make sure you utilise all the options on your profile as it will help generate leads
Post Consistently
Posting consistently and keeping a regular schedule means that your followers won’t forget they followed you in the first place. If you post randomly and haphazardly, you are at risk of this happening.

Keeping a content calendar will guarantee this won’t happen to you, especially if you pre-schedule posts. A couple of platforms we recommend for scheduling posts are SproutSocial, SocialBee, HootSuite and PromoRepublic. You should also watch you don’t spam as you can end up losing followers if you dominate their feeds as they need room to see other content too.
Avoid Fake Likes/Followers
Fake likes are seen to be bad for business. Facebook warns against fake likes because businesses end up getting a lot less ROI and leads from their social platforms if the people they’re connected with are fake accounts.
Real page likes are important as when you post, only around 10% of your followers see it. If you have genuine followers, people are more likely to see and engage with your posts. The more engagement you get with your posts, the more likely it is going to show on more people’s feeds.
Fake likes and followers also feed incorrect information into your social media analytics.
Engage With Your Followers

Engaging and listening to your followers not only looks good but it also helps you to understand what content your followers like and don’t like, to increase the chances of them engaging with future posts. It is also important to try new things with your posts to keep people interested.
Use Hashtags
By using hashtags, you are more likely to appear on the explore page as well as getting extra traffic coming to your social from the hashtag pages. You will need to use relevant, trending hashtags at the time. The recommended number of hashtags to use is between 3-5.
Final Thoughts
Social media is a smart phenomenon, so ‘cheating’ won’t get you the results you want. If you do everything honestly and by the book, you will be able to increase your audience and run into less problems along the way!
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