

7 SEO Trends you need to know for 2019

The algorithms used by Google to determine search rankings are updated on a seemingly never-ending basis. Due to this fact, we must constantly adapt our SEO strategy to match the ever-changing rules of the game. Before launching any new product or marketing solution, it is critical to keep influencing paradigm shifts in mind. Let’s see which SEO trends are the most important for the upcoming 2019.

The algorithms used by Google to determine search rankings are updated on a seemingly never-ending basis. Due to this fact, we must constantly adapt our SEO strategy to match the ever-changing rules of the game. Before launching any new product or marketing solution, it is critical to keep influencing paradigm shifts in mind. Let’s see which SEO trends are the most important for the upcoming 2019:

Live video

A survey conducted by Livestream shows that 80% of users prefer watching branded live videos over reading posts on social media. According to digital marketers, video content is able to provide the highest ROI.
In 2019, live broadcasts will become an increasingly popular method to command the audience’s attention. The major benefits of live video streams are that they do not require large expenses and they are not time-consuming. Therefore, such a form of promotion is accessible for every, even the smallest, business.
Simplicity and lack of editing make live streams comprehensible and appealing to Internet users. This approach can help brands become friendlier and relatable in the eyes of their clients.
In the upcoming year, we expect that search engine algorithms will adapt to this trend. If this happens, we’ll see a greater variety of diverse content in search results rather than plain text. This will also reduce the role of clickbait since the search engines start crawling videos instead of the text that accompanies them.

Interactive Content

Every digital marketer will confirm that interactive content is more efficient than traditional. Why? Because it makes users resonate and interact with a brand and this is an ultimate goal of any promotional activity.
Many businesses have already found a way to use interactive tools creatively in order to involve users. For example, Better Homes & Gardens offers an opportunity to become a virtual landscape designer and create your own online garden. To draw attention to energy issues, Shell has developed an interactive web page where you can mix your own music video.
One of the most powerful SEO trends in 2019 is content your audience wants to interact with. It doesn’t have to be as complex as in the examples above. Polls, infographics, quizzes, and tests are also interactive elements, so don’t hesitate to utilise them.

Voice Search Optimisation

According to Search Engine Land, by 2020 about 50% of the search queries will be done by voice. Therefore, voice search optimisation is a highly topical issue.
The reason why voice search is so popular is simple – the speed. A person can say about 110-150 words per minute, while only 38-40 words can be written in the same time. Hence the specific of voice search – a user does not need to shorten a request. You can ask your question the way you would in a regular conversation. Thus, users want to get the most accurate answer and to achieve it, they use a dialogue with the search engine. Queries that are utilised in voice search are much longer than keywords and more often these are regular questions.
Google statistics say that 70% of voice queries are spoken in a natural language. Besides, this type of search doesn’t have Google search suggestions, so a person builds a phrase at his/her discretion.
Unlike regular SEO, when you optimise your website for voice search, your goal is to be ranked precisely as #1. This is a search result that Siri or Google Assistant reads and usually, this answer is enough for users.
Thus, the basic strategy of voice search optimisation is the development of trend queries. This is the fastest way to get to the top.

Augmented Reality

In 2019, the line between the real and digital world will be even thinner. This becomes possible due to Augmented Reality, which is rapidly gaining momentum.
AR-technology has been becoming a new powerful tool designed to attract clients. Augmented reality is particularly useful for business wishing to give their consumers a chance to evaluate their products in the real world. For example, brands of clothing, cosmetics, furniture manufacturers, etc. are able to benefit from AR.
So far, the development of augmented reality is quite difficult and expensive so very few online businesses can afford it. However, in the next year, we may become witnesses of the AR’s quantum leap.
Artificial Intelligence
In 2018, brands started experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The next year will continue the trend with the emphasis on their best application. Chatbots and robotic process automation are here to improve efficiency, increase productivity, and boost customer satisfaction.
In the upcoming year, artificial intelligence will help to bring customer-centric marketing tools to the next level. We are going to see a more detailed trend analyses, enhanced customer profiling, and even more complex personalisation strategies.
According to Lisa Matherly, Vice president on content marketing at McAfee, SEO experts should pay attention to the ways AI can be used in understanding what kind of content is consumed by a potential customer. This may be on-site content, support, technical documents or user data. AI is able to provide a more personalised customer experience and thus, a higher satisfaction for the end user.

User Experience

Google made it clear that a user is a focal point. Therefore, the user experience is going to be even more critical in 2019.
A good UX increases the likelihood of users to engage with web pages they visit. Involvement indicators help search engines understand which pages are more useful.
To improve the website’s usability, it is vital to evaluate the download speed, readability, and navigation. User behaviour patterns can also become a source of useful information. For example, if a user visits a website and stays there for as little as 30 seconds, this may suggest irrelevant content or an unsatisfactory UX.
As more and more people are viewing content from mobile devices, it becomes increasingly important to provide a good user experience across all platforms.

Mobile-first index

After Google launched the mobile-first indexed in 2018, the role of mobile SEO will increase steadily.
A study by BrightEdge showed that 57% of the world’s Internet traffic is produced by smartphones and tablets. In addition, there is a significant difference between keyword ranking on mobile and desktop devices. Therefore, mobile-first content is a must to ensure visibility in mobile search.
As the use of mobile devices goes up, so does the popularity of local search. Mobile users are increasingly looking for information on the go and want to know what’s nearby (restaurants, stores, etc.).
Website load is also critical for search engines. When using technologies such as Google AMP, the page load occurs four times faster than that of a standard mobile page. According to Chartbeat, AMP-pages help increase the time spent on a site by 35%. Given the Google’s focus on AMP, more website owners will be implementing this technology on their resources in 2019
2019 is going to be quite interesting from the SEO standpoint. Traditional techniques continue being effective, while some powerful trends, such as voice search and live videos, can significantly change how SEO will be done in 2019.

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