

Local SEO vs National SEO

What is local SEO?

Local SEO enables Google to depict where you are located, by using keywords that are relevant to a specific location, focusing on details such as the location’s address, or city. This is because it is essential for your local audiences in a specific geographical area to find you as a small business. 

For example when a consumer searches for “beauty salon near me” or “beauty salon in Chester” you want to be appearing where consumers are within a certain distance from you, the closer the better!

What is national SEO?

National SEO (also referred to as normal SEO) enables Google to identify you as a larger company that wants to reach a wider audience nationwide, or in fact – as many as possible! As they increase online visitors, they are more likely to increase their profit because the locations of the visitors does not restrict this.

National SEO is a long term commitment because it is in fact harder to break Google’s authoritative barrier aswell as being more competitive for search terms with high traffic. So it takes a lot more work, especially more recently, to prove to Google that you are relevant to audiences that are located further away – inevitably this can become more expensive.

What is the difference between local and national SEO?

  • Different scales of reach – local is limited but specific, national is large scale reach across the nation.
  • Local SEO focuses on local SERPs meaning that it is cheaper to generate leads in a limited geographical area.
  • National targeting companies can benefit from local SEO if they have a physical store.

Should you use local or national SEO?

If you have a physical store, you should focus on Local SEO. But if your business is online, you should focus on targeting keywords that your target audience are searching for. Find out more below:

Who should use local SEO vs national SEO?

Local: (it depends on the target audience, so is not limited to this list)

  • Companies with a physical presence on a highstreet (so that a location can be targeted).
  • Restaurants
  • Bars
  • Car mechanics
  • Beauty salons


  • Big corporations
  • Franchises
  • Online shops

SEO Services?

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